Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Bin Qi Ling

Finally back from my 8d7n Taiwan trip :)

Backdated post from 10th March. I was bragging about how efficient I am when it comes to transferring and uploading pictures then my computer decided to crash and I couldn't even load firefox, internet explorer and chrome hence, a very overdue post. Lunch with Bin & Tayly at Jem's Ambush and had their lunch set which was pretty affordable but I thought the food (both soup & main) tasted quite... unique? I don't really like it, don't think I'll be back, not anytime soon at least.

Took some selfies using my dslr & caught some people staring at us. What's wrong with taking selfies!!

Posting this picture below because you look super cute, bin!!

Ending with my favourite picture of us (from the dslr)
I love how friend meets friend & we all become good friends!!
Love you girls, though you guys have been spending everyday together and I'm jelly :(
Hahaha I kidzzzz

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