Monday, July 20, 2015

Dazzling Cafe Pink (Taiwan)

I striked one cafe off my to-visit list during this trip, which is Dazzling Cafe Pink. I visited Dazzling Cafe Sunshine last year but it wasn't planned, I just happened to be around that area. This time, I really wanted to try the highly raved Classic Honey Toast, available only at two outlets. I'm puzzled because why would you place your specialty dessert only in two outlets, not all? The "Party in Your Mouth Honey Toast" which I blogged about last year was photogenic but it wasn't that good in my opinion to have so many people rave about their honey toasts. So, I went for their signatures- Classic Honey Toast, Chicken Spaghetti with Pesto Cream Sauce. 

Anyway, service was pretty good but I "disliked" (not annoyed) how inflexible they are when it comes to opening hours. Nobody was allowed to enter before they open, not even at 11:59am. I reached about 10-15 minutes earlier at another restaurant (before they open for business) and we were allowed to be seated first? Also, do note that it's best to make reservation. Dining limit for each table is 90 minutes and there's a minimum order of 1 drink per person.

Clam Chowder Soup
Chicken Spaghetti in Pesto Cream Sauce
Smoked Ham Salad
Royal Matcha Latte
Classic Honey Toast

I'm a picky eater. Many times, things that appeal to people turns out only to be of satisfactory standard to me BUT I enjoyed this meal- everything. The least appealing to me, if I had to choose, would be the Royal Matcha Latte though it's the prettiest latte I've ever ordered. Yes, their Classic Honey Toast is good but it's the spaghetti that won me over. Or maybe, the combination of both? It turned out to be a very good decision to visit them even though we were catching a flight back that day!

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