Saturday, April 18, 2015

ClearSK® Aqua Acne Clear Renewal Facial

Hello guys, back with a post amidst my exams preparation!
About a month ago, I received an invitation from Sample Store to try out ClearSK® Aqua Acne Clear Renewal Facial (4 sessions). I was arranged to have my treatment at the Novena Velocity outlet & they have another outlet at Novena Medical Centre.

The interior, blue & white themed, gives a clean and calming first impression.

At the counter, they have a touch screen monitor where you'll scan your IC to "register". One session will then be deducted from your package and you will also get to see the number of remaining sessions. It's really fast because this way, you won't have to wait for someone to serve you for that!

Corner to chill when your therapist prepares the room for you. 

Tea & warm towel served.

Here's how the room looks like. The room is really small, you can barely have two people walking around at the same time. There's a locker provided for you to keep your personal belongings just beside the bed. I love their comforter blanket, really soft and comfortable unlike what you normally see in other facial outlets. And a plus point, the room temperature isn't freezing cold.

Before I move on, the purpose of the Aqua Acne Clear Renewal Facial treatment is to get rid of dead skin cells, maintain acne prone or combination skin, correct scars, reduce fine lines and balance out uneven skin tone.

Cleansing the face before proceeding with the first step of treatment.

Machine that's used for this treatment.

(L: Cleansing/ R: Diamond Microdermabrasion)

Diamond Microdermabrasion helps to exfoliate the superficial layer of the skin. I asked to take a picture of the before/ after and here's how it looks like. This was on my third session. Notice how the cotton on the left has specks of black dots.
(L: After/ R: Before)

Moving on, application of three types of acid.
1) Lactic Acid for anti-oxidant purposes- to combat free radicals and environmental damage to the surface of the skin. (Balance pH of the skin)
2) Salicylic Acid ideal for oily and acne prone skin type- to calm the skin and prevent outbreaks. (Control the oil)
3) Hyaluronic Acid for hydrating and softening- to hydrate the skin making it supple, smooth, soft as well as reducing fine lines. (Replace the moisture)

Final step is the application of a mask. I personally do not fancy the use of sheet mask since most facial clinics, depending on your skin condition, apply different clay masks. Just felt like it wasn't exactly "customized". 

There were no sense of discomfort during my treatment although some will feel a tingling sensation when applying the different acids.
(L: Application of acids/ R: Mask)

So here's the before and after pictures of my face after the third session. The immediate effect is definitely there. I have very large pores and therefore, it was a visible change in pore size, especially near the nose/cheek area.

Lastly, the service of the therapists- good but can be better. I was quite puzzled when I was served the tea and warm towel on the third session because it didn't happen during the first two sessions. And what's weird was that, the service was better on a weekend compared to weekday. I was asked if I'd like some tea again after treatment and that definitely did not occur on the first two visits. Maybe visiting them during weekends would get you better service?

ClearSK Medi-Aesthetics Clinique
238 Thomson Road
Velocity @ Novena Square, #02-46B
Singapore 307683

Thank you for the invitation, Sample Store & ClearSK!
Cheers, x

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