Wednesday, September 4, 2013

You can't go home again

"You Can't Go Home Again is the name of a novel by Thomas Wolfe. This has always reminded me of a saying from Heraclitus: "It is impossible to step into the same river twice." When you step into a river the second time, it is not the same river. The water is different, the current is different, and the earth below the river is different because a river is always in flux. This is a metaphor for life because when we return to a place or a person, things have changed. Going home again represents the same sense of change. You have changed, and so has home, so it is an impossiblility to return to the place you left. Similarly, the people at home have changed, and so, as you return, you are not returning to the same people. Some people feel this is rather sad, but if this were not true, if we never changed, we would never grow, either."

Back to USS for the 3rd time! Everytime I go, it brings a different experience? That explains why I included the explanation and elaboration on the novel from someone's pov :)

[WARNING: Image-heavy post]

Breakfast before going over to USS! I still find nothing special about Yakun, my vote's with Toastbox.

Via boardwalk!

My fats really last warning. Would have looked much taller if I had skinnier legs.

Mandatory shot (because I went there with a tourist today)

Lucky us caught him right after we entered the gate! (My hair damn cui idky)

He went off to another place but I saw him again so hehe, I took a picture of him. He actually used his hand to cover his face, acting like he's camera shy! So funny!

Then further down the same street I saw him!!! He saw me with my DSLR so he tried to hide behind the tree before I took this shot, so cute they all!! I said bye to him instead of going over to him for a picture, continued walking till I realised I should have taken a photo...

Pretty much failed shots for this ride :(

I like these 2 picts!!

Because I was laughing at her climb up, I couldn't help but take a picture of it hahaha

Just fooling around hahaha

(I like this pict too)

(Another 2 favs: Demure/ sian look

(Fav too)

Okay bye guys, I'm dying of exhaustion. Goodnight!!

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