Friday, October 10, 2014

De'Pop Culture (Closed)

Food Tasting at De'Pop Culture Cafe!
How did the name "De'Pop Culture" come about? Instead of the commonly perceived "The Pop Culture", De'Pop Culture actually stands for desserts and pop-culture. The cafe is owned by a young couple, Adeline and her partner. Founded in August 2014, it's a relatively new cafe located along North Bridge road.

As you step in, the vibrant colours of the decor gives you an extraordinary vibe of happiness. Different from the norm, the loud colours and simple decorations made the cafe stand out even more. Everything was so detailed to the extent that even the menu/ board (we're closed/ open) are pop culture theme.

Pictures of the menu for your reference. Starters mainly ranging from $5-$8, mains from $13-$19, drinks from $2-$8 and desserts
from $4-$12. De'Pop Culture does not charge extra 10% for service charge, good for the pocket!

We ordered their Signature Drink- Italian Sodas ($4.90 each)
From left to right: Red Raspberry Italian Soda, Kiwi Italian Soda, Blue Raspberry Italian Soda, Passionfruit Italian Soda.

First up, the Bacon Surprise ($10.90). Bacon wraps topped with scrambled eggs, Sunny-side up and mushroom. The sunny-side up had yolks that are still slightly runny, which I think is good. The mushroom had a very earthy taste to it, not quite to my liking. But mushroom lovers, you'll love this. Scrambled eggs was a clear winner, love the buttery and creamy taste of it. Bacon, on the other hand, was a tad too tough. I would have preferred chewy bacons for this dish.

Truffle Fries ($7.90), covered in a generous amount of truffle, topped with parmesan cheese. Yes, you could taste the truffle in every single one of them, not even one is missed. And to get such quality truffle fries for just $7.90 in a cafe (with no service charge),
it's seriously a steal.

Next up, De'Pop Breakfast Platter for 2 ($28.90) served on a lazy susan. The portion is really huge. Single serving is available at $18.90 but I love how they came up with the double serving concept. You just saved yourself $8.90! The bratwurst sausages were juicy and tater tots were pretty much addictive. Bacons were still slightly tougher for my preference but I love the scrambled eggs all the same. Basically this platter of goodness consists of the same ingredients that were used to make the Bacon Surprise.

Crab and the Dog ($15.90), a fusion dish that incorporates Singapore signature dish- chilli crab. Do not underestimate the spiciness level of the sauce because it does give you some kicks and punches. However, it tasted more like sambal sauce to me and the tougher italian pork sausage used in the dish pales in comparison to the juicy bratwurst sausage in the breakfast platter.

Black Pepper Crab Spaghetti ($14.90), spaghetti served with mushroom and crab meat. Portion served was generous, including the crab meat. I find the black pepper sauce salty, spicy and a little too overpowering to be able to taste the freshness of the crab. (Disclaimer: I would choose anything over black pepper for any dishes so I might be a little biased.) Most of the reviews that I read gave this dish a thumbs up, so try it if you're a black pepper lover!

And finally on to the desserts that everyone has been waiting for!

Waffles Caramel ($11.50), all of us loved the salted caramel ice cream! The premium ice cream used was smooth and granola bits added extra crunch to the otherwise soft and fluffy centre. Outer rims of the waffles were a little overcooked as it was crispy instead of soft but overall, recommended! 

French Toast feat. Banana-tella ($11.90). No doubt the toast were soft & anything chocolate and banana would go well together but I thought it tasted average. I find other desserts more deserving of my already-filled stomach space because they tasted even better!

Panna Cotta ($6.90), my favourite dessert of the night! Creamy and smooth, I love this. I was told that the texture of it wasn't right but what's important is that it's nice! To be honest, I've never tried (and never thought of trying) Panna Cotta so I couldn't have known about the texture at all. If you're as noob as me and all you know is eat, order it. It won't disappoint! Most importantly, it doesn't get jelat just after a few spoonful.

Another recommendation, their Apple Crumble Pie with ice cream  ($7.90). Just the right level of sweetness, with a hint of cinammon taste and the crunch of the crumble made me crave for more!

My favourite dishes of the night are Scrambled Eggs (I know it's not a dish), Panna Cotta, Apple Crumble Pie and Waffles Caramel. No doubt that it's a desserts cafe because the desserts are *thumbs up* Do head over for some sweet treats if you're around Bugis/ North Bridge road (P.S. Heard that they're quite busy on Saturdays so be there early!)

Lastly, thank you Serena & Adeline for having me!

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