Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Silver in her hair, gold in her heart

Every year passes by so quickly, my grandma's already 93 this year!
May she be blessed with happiness, good health, good... fortune (?) and everything good :)

And as usual, she held a birthday lunch at Boon Lay Raja Seafood Restaurant. Last year's birthday post here if you are interested/ have not read (Just realised she wore the same shirt lol). We order almost the same dishes every year though. I even went there for my birthday lunch this year and I ate the same things too #loyalcustomer

(Lazy to caption the pictures, leaving you guys with the visuals)

I've got more pictures of relatives this year compared to last year, but still no group shot like how grandma hoped for (even though she doesn't say it). And also no birthday cake this year because we're almost always the last to leave the restaurant every year and we didn't want to drag it any longer. Turns out that we were earlier this year #goodimprovement 

Happy 93rd birthday, Grandma!

Till the next, x

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