Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Many stories, One Singapore

After so many years, I finally had the chance to go for NDP this year because B is performing! Though it was only preview but good enough for me! I've only been to NDP 2 times before this, which is the NE show (2004) that all Primary 5 kids get to go to & in 2006 when I was a participant! Very good experience, I don't mind performing again! B & I actually applied for the tickets before we knew that he was participating in it but we didn't get selected :(

Blue sector tickets for us! (I actually threw my ticket away with my food, damn sad?!)

Partner of the night, Sim Xianxi 

Wish B had more tickets so that more friends could come along but ok, cannot be selfish because they only had 4 tickets among themselves, having 2 is good enough! Bought ITaimei before we went over. Reached Cityhall at 3-ish (admission starts at 4pm) but the queue at marina square was damn long already. Thank goodness B reminded me to reach earlier else I'd probably be sitting damn far away (not as if we weren't sitting far enough already). Tried my best to take nice pictures but failed so terribly especially the fireworks segment. Extremely disappointed with the photos because they certainly do not do the fireworks justice, really super pretty & awesome irl.

Heart-shaped banners on stage

Kacang Puteh man throwing free packets of kacang puteh!!

Mascot (I had a hard time capturing this all because of the inconsiderate people who stood up.)

The 4 hosts of the show! They came out before the real show started for some choreography for the theme song & "rehearsal" before the live broadcast! 

Pretty girl!

(The photographer just had to photobomb my pic)

Orange & yellow, looks like our costume in '06!

And the Red Lions!!!

Historical moment, our first female red lion! Although she kinda "fell" cos she landed on her knees but still awesome! (Y) She sounds so man during the interview lol.

Red lions team!!

Pretty colors! There was another one on the left side of the stage but I didn't manage to capture it.

Vehicle display!

B's driving this vehicle, proud of my boyfr hahaha!

Inconsiderate people once again sigh

ABTM performance!

See the very tiny but smiling face of lobang hahahaha

Parade Regimental Sergeant Major

Uniform groups marching in! I know the pictures look more or less the same because they're just standing there! Look at the screen instead :)

Helicopters flying past during the anthem or pledge I can't remember

Planes flying, sorry I'm a noob I don't know the names hahaha

And this part, I can only say it's too funny because it gave Sim a mini shock of her life everytime they shoot hahahaha I was laughing at her the whole time!


More planesssss

Next segment is my favorite!! Small kids telling different stories about Singapore. Like how Sang Nila Utama found singapore, how sisters island came about & how redhill got its name!! They formed pictures using their colored costumes! Very very impressed :)

Starting with the Sisters island!

Followed by story of how Redhill came about~

And how Sang Nila Utama named Singapore 'The Lion City'

Last few pictures before the sky darkens!

And the performance with lots of different lighting effects starts!

The merlion talked to us (fake one ofc) about very lame but funny things hahaha

Appearance by our national team athletes!

That's Feng Tian Wei at the front!!

And this!!! The spotlight was on the horses, so the picture turned out overexposed :(


Followed by some love in the air hehe! This was supposed to be a heart shape but I was too slow. But looking at it now, it seems like there are 2 people on top on the heart, formed with the smoke? Same for the second pic!!

Two hearts!

The preview show ended with really pretty fireworks! Oh, I forgot to mention! This year there was this pop quiz segment where the cameraman will randomly aim the camera at someone and the person who appears on the big screen has to answer a question about Singapore! It was kinda scary because some were history questions, damn difficult. So relieved I didn't choose to sit in the front sector lol. Anywz if possible, I'll upload a video of the fireworks on a later date. But for now, that's all! I probably can narrate the whole NDP show for you, just by looking at the pictures hahaha! Although I really dislike the fireworks pictures that I took but good attempt for me since I fully utilised my DSLR! I can't believe I took ~600 photos, deleted some but I'm still left with 362 pictures in the album. I didn't upload all the pictures here but I suppose all these are more than enough! I took 3 days to complete this post and I'm glad I'm done with this post. Still hafta upload the pictures on FB though, will get it done over these few days!

Enjoy looking at the pictures :)

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