Friday, July 24, 2015

July Favourites

It's not often that I buy products just to review them. Most of the time, it's either that I really like it (so I buy it) or the products are sent to me (so I review them). The first part of my sentence does not result in the second part, vice versa. I bought & received some things over the past month, here's the first 'Favourites' post for a change!

1. Favourite sunscreen- Cetaphil Daylong SPF50+ Gel

I've been talking to my friends about this product because that's just how much I like it. I've always understood the importance of sunscreen but I never got to applying it religiously. And my reason is the top reason why most people dislike sunscreens- oily/ greasy/ sticky, anything along that line. I visit a dermatologist and I was prescribed the entire set of skincare products, including sunscreen. Even during the time when I applied all products religiously, day and night, I always skip the sunscreen. How did I get to know this product? I chanced upon their Facebook page, they were giving away free samples. Redeemed it, tried it, love it, bought it! The redemption is still available here, try it!

(P.S. I like Her World July- The Birthday Issue too! Talks about 55 inspiring millennials, 20 fashion scene shakers and because it's their birthday month, freebies!)

2. Favourite book- S. by J.J. Abrams, Doug Dorst

Favourite because it's unique, not like any book in the usual format that you see everywhere. There are postcards, maps, handwritten letters that are slotted in between pages as you go along etc. I'm not sure how the storyline is but reviews online are all satisfactory and above. Hopefully a good read because it's so expensive. It's retailing at $60 on Kinokuniya webstore.

3. Favourite website- Into Mind

(Image from Into Mind)

All about minimalism. I like the whole concept of decluttering. (Try their 30-day minimalism challenge if you're up for it. Or look back at 2015 with the 50 questions provided!)

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