Sunday, December 18, 2016

Avalon | Beauty from Within

Skin problem is something that scares the hell out of people who care for their skin. We are willing to splurge on small bottles of luxury cosmetics that easily chalk up hundreds & thousands of dollar but most of us neglect the fact that we should try to make this change from within us - to start with our diet. In a cycle of 28 days, new skin cell replaces the old skin cells that have died. And as we age, the process of renewal gradually slows down & skin problem arises. The increasing exposure to UV light, especially when everyone's hooked to their smart phones and tablets, accounts mostly for premature skin aging.

Having healthy stem cells is the first step to truly benefit from any form of beauty supplements or skin care products - that said, collagen molecules in food are often too big to be absorbed by the body!

AVALON™ Stem Cell Beauty Drink is the first beauty drink in Singapore that contains the Young Orchid Stem Cells. Orchid Stem Cell is a powerful antioxidant and possesses strong anti-inflammatory properties, particularly young orchid stem cells which protect the skin from environmental damages while hydrating and renewing our skin cells, making it an excellent youth revitaliser which works on almost all skin types.

AVALON™ Stem Cell Beauty Drink claims that within 7 days, it rejuvenates damaged skin cells, reduces wrinkles & fine lines, brightens skin, tightens pores, restores skin firmness & elasticity and locks in moisture.

That said, there's no one single thing that can let you have amazing skin within just one week. It takes effort on your part to go through the normal routine skin care, weekly exfoliation, monthly extraction and diet wise, drink more water! Plus point of AVALON™ Stem Cell Beauty Drink- it will make you more disciplined to continue your intake of this beauty drink. Imagine drinking sparkling grape juice vs fishy collagen drink, which would you prefer? :)

For S$69.90 for a box of 10, you can get this beauty drink at Watsons, Unity Pharmacy, ALT, OG, Robinsons, Yue Hwa and Hibeau. Exclusive for all readers, you can get 20% OFF by entering code TSS-20OFF at checkout (only for online purchase on Hibeau)